Our lives have deeply changed, and regular routines and tasks diminished. In this is the opportunity to stand back and reflect on your life.
But do you notice how hard it is, week by week, to stay awake to this profound event that’s taking place?
The draw to inertia is strong, as all the outer demands and obligations are diminished.
Though the pull is strong, we can’t just push the pause button and wait for it to be over. But how do we pause and still stay engaged?
The Fine Balance Between Activity and Receptivity
We need to be really present to what is moving inside us and in the world - deep listening, inward-focused time, and we need positive assertion - activity - to find ways to stay awake and make this time meaningful.
It’s very personal for each of us, that delicate balance between activity and receptivity. If we listen deeply, we will each feel a call to use this time for good, whither that be an inner change that’s needed or outer engagement in the world, or your unique and particular expression of both.
One potentially powerful lens would be to use this time for realignment in your life. As life is diminished to just the essentials, questions like: What do I really want? What do I really value? What do I want my life to look like and be comprised of, once the pandemic has passed?
Change Happens Incrementally
You don’t have to wait for the pandemic to be over to begin to live into the guidance you get from reflection on your life. All change happens in incremental steps. As you identify the shifts you feel called to make, notice the many small ways you can begin to implement them.
Heroic measures are not necessary. And we have the blessing of time and spaciousness right now. Many people are remarking on how much they love the new slow pace of life. This has come at a great price. But before the busyness of “regular” life swoops back in again, the time is ripe to set a new normal in place.
But let these new ways be intentional. Use this pause for something good, something constructive, something that will make a difference and contribute in a positive way for the world. Then this time of crisis will have been worth it.
Next entry: Bring Intentionality to Sheltering in Place
Previous entry: Why We Need Silence and Stillness - More Than Ever
“I really felt you as a warm articulate and authentic woman and I am really glad - am blessed in having the chance for exposure to your beingness”