Are you getting used to this new way of life? A life lived online, any real social life dwindled to a tiny trickle, and getting very up close and personal with your four walls, and those few who share these walls with you? Maybe it’s even starting to feel normal.
Crisis? What crisis, this is just how we live now!
Humans are pretty adaptable, and yet this is still a phenomenal time on the earth.
And the on-going task is to stay awake.
The same things that put you to sleep before apply NOW - lulling distractions, mindlessness, going numb and disconnected from your inner more authentic self, and how that connection is there to bring us closer to spirit, and a more universal perspective on the world.
Intentionality is a powerful tool during these times to address the above. An intention keeps you focused. It helps mark a clear choice, and hence can awaken and harness inner resources towards a positive outcome.
What is this pandemic time highlighting for you? What’s getting your attention? What needs your attention?
One way or another, we WILL all pass through this time. There’s such a draw to just press the pause button and wait for it to be over. But we’re probably not ever going back to what was. An event like this is meant to be life-altering. And it calls for risk-taking when our more primitive self is screaming, “Just stay safe.”
So often we long for change and yet tenaciously cling to the familiar – but we can’t have both.
Now we’re being thrust into change – not by choice – but we do have a choice as to how we respond. Crisis always holds an invitation to become more conscious. So, what is the invitation for you in this crisis? Once you get clear on that, bring the powerful tool of intentionality to it.
Quite a few years ago, I wrote an in-depth article about how to use intention as a tool for change. It’s on the resource page of my website.
Let me know how it lands for you.
Next entry: Reflecting on the Nature of Change
Previous entry: Resist the Draw to Inertia
“As I step into the classroom with Madeline, I am aware of a spaciousness that few other facilitators offer, giving adequate time for self-reflection and digestion of the material. The spaciousness is well-supported by experiential learning and practical teachings. Madeline’s work—both within her own life and in facilitating others—speaks clearly through the profound space she holds for learning, and healing, to happen.”