Doorways that can help you open to pleasure
Read more >Find some keys to pleasure
Denial and the accompanying numbness that supports denial, is a very common response to loss. This is particularly true if the loss comes suddenly, unexpectedly, or in an untimely way.
Denial is traditionally one of the early stages of grief. I believe it serves to slow the grieving person down, to have a little time to absorb the impact of a sudden or particularly complicated or traumatic loss.
Read more >Pleasure is a sensory process, experienced in the body, connected to the ability to open to the goodness of life, and let that goodness nourish and replenish us.
Read more >A Potent Spiritual Key ~ In any and every situation ask the question ~
Pleasure makes us feel good. When we feel good, we relax. When we relax, the parasympathetic side of the nervous system kicks in, and when that happens, we’ve opened up and other really good things will occur. This process is called the “rest and repair” mechanism that supports our physical system to regenerate.
Read more >Yawning helps you become aware of a ‘felt sense’ of your own physical being. This embodied self-awareness includes your body’s sensations (the you in your body), as well as the organic intelligence that’s held and accessed through your body. Embodied self-awareness compliments and enriches conceptual self-awareness; that’s the intellectual awareness we usually rely on to understand and experience ourselves. Read more >
"An intention is a statement that springs from deep within us, that expresses a clear declaration of a desired direction.” Read more >
Excerpt of Madeline Dietrich speaking about "Life's Story" Read more >
Excerpt to Madeline Dietrich speaking about "The Body" Read more >
“I had signed up for the workshop with a vague idea of validating whether or not beekeeping was something I wanted to get back into, so wanted the real experience and ‘instruction’ around hive life. But I also wanted to spend time in the imaginative life of beekeeping – so the poetry, and your story of bees as a significant part of your healing journey was really important. Sensing into your relationship with them - the calm, the respect, the love – was an important part of witnessing how a relationship with bees teaches those very things. I loved how the different activities dove-tailed so well into one another. The ‘energy meditation’ of approaching the hive taught me well about respect for boundaries, and the deep purposefulness of their lives. We can co-exist beautifully as long as I ‘let them bee.’ “