Living with Intention

Jan 16, 2019

Living with Intention

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A few years back, I got intentional about getting out of the cold and snow of Canadian winters. I wanted to try living and working in Oaxaca, Mexico for the winter months. So, I arrived last Tuesday, and have mostly settled in.

It took a number of years to put things in place. Some of it was inner work - facing the naysaying voices. It seems their first line of attack is always something simple like, “You can’t do that!”. And then there was some outer work as well - such as directing my work in a way that could be done remotely, online and making a few visits south to check things out.  

But here I am now and even settling in. I use intentionality to create my life anew here. What I need to feel happy and well hasn’t changed much over the years, but the venue is different, so what do I want to do with that?

Each morning in meditation I hold this question. From there the days unfold. I call this living with intention.

Employ the Power of Intention

You can employ the power of intention in any and every area of your life.

With only a fraction of awareness you will notice that forces are directing your life. The questions to ask are – Do you know what these forces are? Where have they come from? Are you living your life from your own authentic centre and values? Or are you living from the dictates of conventional societal mores, and/or your family and culture of origin beliefs systems? And what is the outcome of those forces?

What Are the Forces Directing Your Life?

This is where intention comes in. Intention draws on the power of the conscious mind to call in another kind of awareness. When you set an intention, you are inviting powerful forces into motion. You will quickly notice if you are aligned with the words you have spoken. If things unfold straightforwardly, then you know all parts of you are in on broad. If you feel some degree of drag, then you know you have some work to do.

Setting clear words of intention will bring to the fore the forces that are in opposition to your intended purpose. Don’t worry; this is not a problem. It’s an invitation to bring out of hiding, what lives in the unconscious, so that it can be brought into wholeness, with the more conscious parts of yourself. This is the work of wholeness. It’s work you can learn to become proficient at. This is some of the most valuable engagement, you can do.

Dare to Envision an Authentic Life

Sometimes at the heart of not daring to dream, or envision a more authentic, fulfilling life, is the realization that when you enter into intentional living, it will require meeting yourself more deeply. In reality, to live with intention, is a commitment to inner exploration, acceptance of aspects of yourself that are oppositional, and the willingness to be changed, to grow and transform. 

A number of years ago I created a Guide to Living with Intention. I invite you to visit it on my website – it’s on the resources page. Let me know where it takes you. What happens next!

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