Summer is upon us, on this the eve of the Summer Solstice and at this time of year, I feel the need for replenishment and nothing does it for me like time in nature. Time in the garden, swimming in the river and lakes nearby, hammock time, a walk in the woods or a wildflower filled meadow.
Healing Powers of Nature
Have you ever noticed the link between what gives you pleasure and how it nurtures wellbeing – physically, emotionally and spiritually. You’re not alone in this observation. A recent article in Atlantic Magazine reports some powerful statistics on the topic of The Healing Powers of Nature. But alas it also reports that even though we now know how good nature is for us, we are actually spending less and less time in the great outdoors. It’s an interesting and inspiring read - How to Harness Nature’s Healing Power.
Remember What Gives You Pleasure
Early on in my Unlock Pleasure work I made a cheat sheet for people on pleasure. When pleasure has gone off your radar, you might, in some moments, not even be able to remember what gives you pleasure. So, I created “Doorways to Pleasure”, a one pager to remind you of the top seven ways to tune into pleasure. Spending time in nature was right up there with creative expression, and quality time with your loved ones.
Take a “Tech Cleanse”?
Time with our various screens it seems is now commanding our attention. At the same time, I’m noticing offerings like a “tech cleanse,” which is a scheduled fast from your devices. Last weekend I went to a millennial’s 30th Birthday party, and we all had to check our devices at the door! Getting off the screens and getting face-to-face for “real time” is trending.
This summer I will again do my annual retreat and fast in nature. Not only will I forgo food, but I will leave the laptop and phone at home. I love the leisurely days where all demands stop, and I just follow my nose guided by the question – and what do I need now? Rest, exercise, mediation, a swim, some art work, something inspiring to read might be some of the options that arise. By the end of the week I always feel refreshed, pleasantly empty, and ready to return to my regular life.
I hope and encourage you, to make space for some retreat time this summer – with a fast or not – but perhaps experimenting with leaving the devises behind and letting nature be your inspiration.
Let me know how it goes!
Next entry: The Fasting Path
Previous entry: Pleasure and Safety
“As I step into the classroom with Madeline, I am aware of a spaciousness that few other facilitators offer, giving adequate time for self-reflection and digestion of the material. The spaciousness is well-supported by experiential learning and practical teachings. Madeline’s work—both within her own life and in facilitating others—speaks clearly through the profound space she holds for learning, and healing, to happen.”