Family Constellation Workshop/Retreat
Take In the Gift of Life –
Relationship with Mother
November 22-24, 2024
Friday a.m. – Sunday lunch
Residential at Galilee Retreat Centre
Arnprior Ontario.
When we can fully take in the gift of life from our mother, we can allow ourselves to connect to the sacredness of the feminine principle, that contains the rich goodness of life, and the creative forces that guide us forward on our spiritual journey. In a deep and profound manner, Systemic Family Constellations addresses current day issues at their source, in the family’s past. When issues linger and fail to respond to our best efforts for well-being, we see they are linked to events and conditions in the past.
The family constellation process supports integration and clarity as to the nature of your family dynamics and clears pathways to an experience of greater wholeness.
“Imagine a constellation in the sky – a grouping of stars that depicts your ancestors. Each star has an invisible string of energy connecting one to another and to you. In your aliveness on this earth, you are tethered to these people of the past. You have inherited their joys and sorrows, and you may be carrying anger, loss, illness or guilt that burden your life today – even if you do not know how or why. Family Constellation Work helps you connect and correct the past so that you can move forward with inner peace.”
Karen Carnabucci
The workshop will utilize group constellations, small group work, experiential exercises, art, meditation and movement as well as drawing on the backdrop of the beautiful woods and the river @ Galilee Retreat Centre.
Facilitated by: Khudai Claire Dagenais of Family Constellation Montreal
Ever since I can remember I’ve been fascinated and curious about who we are as humans. After a long career in healthcare, I now have a private practice in Family Constellations, Somatic Experiencing and Mindfulness. I have been facilitating and teaching Systemic Constellations for the last 20 years. I added Somatic Regulation and Resiliency: Early Trauma to my toolbox and support Somatic Experiencing students in their learning process . I am a member of the National Association of Naturopathy.
Administration Details
Group size: limited to 18 participants
Workshop fee: $450. Canadian (plus 58.50 H.S.T. for residence of Canada only).
Total fee with HST = $508.50
Accommodation fee: For room and meals – contact Galilee Retreat Centre directly to book your accommodations. Fee will be approx. $400. if you arrive Thursday eve.
To Registration for the workshop: Contact: Madeline Dietrich @
Send workshop fee: to above email address by e-transfer or for those outside of Canada by PayPal or Wise.
Registration Deadline: October 25th, 2024.
Cancellation Policy: Up to November 1, full refund minus $75. admin fee.
No refunds after November 1, 2024.
“I really felt you as a warm articulate and authentic woman and I am really glad - am blessed in having the chance for exposure to your beingness”