What will Guide you in 2017?

Jan 05, 2017

What will Guide you in 2017?

A new year, a blank slate, a world of possibilities - I love that we get to start again; make a new beginning. Of course it’s a given we bring ourselves, as we are, with us, but it’s good to re-set our energies, discern intentions and bring a heightened consciousness to the new year ahead.

Goals or intentions are specific and need to be articulated. Some people boil it down to one word that will guide them. Myself, I like to have an over-aching image, a visual that will keep me on track as the months unfold. In this regard I’ve been pondering - What will be my over aching guide this year?

At winter solstice a group of us in dialogue spoke to the question: What does it mean to be a light in the darkness? What is the particular expression of light I bring to the world? As the holidays have passed this theme has stayed with me, and it occurs to me it’s a good one to use as my over aching theme this year.

Each of us carries a particular gift, a quality, capacity or perspective that only we transmit. You could call it your light; sometimes it’s referred to as a “divine ray”. It’s the slice of God/Goddess you carry and express in the world. The world needs your particular expression of light as only your unique make-up can bring this particular quality.

In that early holiday conversation I re-affirmed that my light is about beauty – seeing it, appreciating it, creating it and being beauty, in the world. It is beauty in the sense that our First Nations people understand it: beauty as medicine.

Whatever your ray is, you will know you’ve landed on it because it brings you pleasure. Over the holidays I found and made beauty in the day-to-day: lovely meals shared with family and friends, a campfire outdoors, enjoying the beauty of my home and tweaking that with some de-cluttering. I am happy as a clam when my focus is on beauty.

When we’re in the midst of being our light, we light up. There’s a joy and ease in it. It’s what others recognize and appreciate most in us. In fact others need it. We all need to be lights for each other – regular reminders of all the qualities that bring spiritual inspiration, encouragement, and courage. We need daily reminders of the reality of light. In many ways this is all any of us are doing here: to bring our light, being that light for others, and ourselves, and showing up in the world bringing our divine ray.

If this idea intrigues you, I invite you to ponder what your light is?

One clue is that when you’re beaming it, you’ll feel a grounded, satisfying sense of pleasure.

Another sign is that it’s perhaps the most easeful way for you to be. It’s natural to engage with and comes without much effort. Even as a little kid you probably already gravitated to it. For instance I loved making beautiful outfits for my dolls, creating special spaces to play in, and playing dress-up.

If you’ve yet to claim a focus for 2017, I invite you ponder the light you are, to claim it and commit to living it well though out the year. Let it be the guide that leads your year.

Next entry: The most important thing I learned in 2016

Previous entry: Spiritual Survival for the Holiday Season

“I will begin a new relationship with my body” Unlocking Pleasure was an amazing concept, idea to work and play with explore”

Workshop attendee