Don’t think you can do it alone and there’s more pleasure with company!

Jan 04, 2016

Don’t think you can do it alone and there’s more pleasure with company!

Category | Pleasure & Love,

Happy New Year to everyone! If you are like me the new year rolls in and you’re primed to think about what you want to create in the months ahead.  Maybe you set some goals that are dear to your heart.  And then as you launch into the year and meet yourself! Maybe there’s long standing habits or personality traits that you fear will derail you? Maybe what starts as excitement turns to overwhelm?

For myself, I know one thing that really helps is to get support. Change is hard to do by yourself - maybe that’s one of the habits that derails - the belief that you have to do it all by yourself. 

Don't think you can do it alone!  And there's more pleasure with company!

If you’ve set some goals for this year I invite you to consider what kind of support you can create that will help you accomplish them. Stepping into a new reality can be daunting. Our culture lauds the heroic accomplishments of the individual. But this attitude undermines the reality that we are put here on the earth with families, friends and community. We have deep intrinsic needs to make connection, and feel our belonging in the tribe. We’re not wired to do it alone. You may be undermining your best efforts by not sharing your dreams and visions with others and reaching out for support.

As examples let me share what I’ve put in place for this year.  I have a writing practice that needs support. I want to have a solid draft of a book about pleasure by year-end. So I’ve booked in writing retreats every two months to build momentum, and to keep me connected to the pleasure of my regular writing practice. I think it will be more fruitful and fun shared with others, so I’ve invited some writing friends to join me.  We’ll give feedback and help each other stay on track.

And another one - last year I loved the opportunity to share poems on pleasure with you. The poetry concert last August was a highlight of 2015. I’m lined up to do some concerts at a couple of conferences this year. I know I can deepen my spoken word/poetry work, so I’ve joined an eight month program in California, with my poetry teacher Kim Rosen  It will be two residential workshops and some tele-conference learning in between. I know this will help me deepen my connection to the healing medicine in poetry and my capacity to convey this to you.

What support can you set up for yourself to keep on track with making 2016 a pleasurable and fulfilling year?

Next entry: When you have had a drink of love …

Previous entry: The Gift of Self – The Gift of Life

“Use of music was brilliant”; The poetry, the stories, the disclosure, the openness, the willingness and the laughter”

Workshop attendee