Head’s up! These states of being will prevent you from feasting on pleasure, and I want to name them for you:
1. The pleasure-impaired and pleasure-adverse dilemma – Pleasure’s not on your radar, you have little awareness of its importance and you might even think pleasure is overrated or frivolous. If this sounds like you, you don’t yet know what pleasure can do for you and what you’re missing.
2. The duty-driven trap – You know what pleasure is and how to make it happen, but you don’t make time for it. You don’t make it a priority or protect space for it. By habit or compulsion, you spend too much time on things that aren’t really important, or your days are driven by duty and responsibility. Your to do list is running your life. Either pleasure’s not even made it to the list, or more commonly it’s at the bottom, when all the other tasks are done.
3. The flying-high-with-no-grounding dilemma – This category is common in today’s world. You’ve created a pleasurable life. You know what gives you pleasure, you act on it regularly, BUT you don’t take it in fully which means you don’t reap its deeper benefits. I’m guilty of this – there isn’t much in my life that isn’t pleasurable, but I can at times fly from one great thing to the next, without breathing space to receive. The busyness and stress take away from the pleasure. The “slow is fast” and “less is more” mantra is the medicine to follow here.
If you’ve made a commitment to pleasure, consider these three dilemmas and find ways to address them. Make a commitment to actions that support your moving deeper into pleasure this year.
Where do you see yourself in the pleasure continuum?
Next entry: Moving from For Survive to Thrive
Previous entry: When you have had a drink of love …
"Excellent teaching style of concrete information and experiential exercises"