We are living in a powerful transition phase, collectively moving from a mental survival mode to a wider thriving mode of living and being. In survival mode, our thoughts, feelings and behavior are driven by fear and a sense of scarcity. Worry, problem solving, looking out for the next bad thing preoccupies much of the psyche. Our neuro pathways were developed around this mode of living – it serves a survival strategy that has outlived its usefulness.
Thrive mode is a shift towards curiosity, positive possibilities, a sense of safety, wonder and creative responses. One of the aspects that nurtures thriving is to feel the safety of being real. Being real includes acceptance of what in the Pathwork calls the 50/50 – accepting the reality that we are both strong and weak, sometimes really smart and sometimes just plain stupid, we’re just imperfect human beings. No blame.
The body relaxes when we can rest in these truths. Then there’s no need for posturing, personas, or trying to prove anything. Then our energy is freed up to discover our uniqueness for creative expression, joy and pleasure.
What would it be like to go into the day fully present and responding to what is and who you really are in each moment? It’s a practice to keep attuned to just what is. It’s a doorway to pleasure through that kind of attentiveness and soft acceptance. Try this practice on and notice how your pleasure quotient goes way up.
Next entry: Eros, Sex, Love, Pleasure? What will it be for you on Valentine’s Day?
Previous entry: 3 Common Blocks to Pleasure
“I had signed up for the workshop with a vague idea of validating whether or not beekeeping was something I wanted to get back into, so wanted the real experience and ‘instruction’ around hive life. But I also wanted to spend time in the imaginative life of beekeeping – so the poetry, and your story of bees as a significant part of your healing journey was really important. Sensing into your relationship with them - the calm, the respect, the love – was an important part of witnessing how a relationship with bees teaches those very things. I loved how the different activities dove-tailed so well into one another. The ‘energy meditation’ of approaching the hive taught me well about respect for boundaries, and the deep purposefulness of their lives. We can co-exist beautifully as long as I ‘let them bee.’ “